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Q: What religion uses the Koran Islam or Buddhism?
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Which Religion Uses A Koran Book?


What religion uses the hadith?

Islam religion

Which religion uses the tripitaka as their holy book?

Buddhism does.

What religion do they learn in India?

There are many religions in India--not just one. India was the birthplace of Buddhism (although whether that is a religion or not depends upon how one uses the word "religion"). Hinduism and Islam are important religions in India today, and there are others.

What religion uses a soft diet?

Hinduism, Buddhism & Jainism

What religion uses the sharia law?

Sharia law is used by the religion of Islam.

What is Islam holy text that this religion uses?

Holy Quran.

Which religion has a place of worship called mosque?

Muslims worship in mosques but the religion is Islam

What religion uses meditation as a means of obtaining their goal?

I know most eastern religions and philosophies do, such as Buddhism, Hinduism and taoism. Buddhism

What types of Buddhism uses prayer flags and reflects Bon religious belief?

Tibetan Buddhism embodies aspects of the Bon religion.

Islam is the religion of truth?

Yes Islam is the religion of truth, i cant convince you in three lines, but Islam praised the people who uses their brains to find their ways, you can find millions of books on religion, compare and read and you will find your way.

What religion uses a crescent moon and star symbol?

While the religion of Islam is often associated with this symbol, it is actually the symbol of the Ottoman Empire. Islam itself has no symbol.