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None; the middle colonies had a very diverse religious population.

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Q: What religious group dominated the middle colonies?
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What religious group was in the middle colonies?

the people in te middle colonies belived in Quakertism

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Which religious group was most heavily concentrated in the middle colonies?

Quakers. APUSH ftw.

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None; the middle colonies had a very diverse religious population.

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The Middle Colonies.

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There is some evidence of cultural and religious diversity in the New York Colony, as well as in Georgia and Rhode Island. It should be noted that the colonies did not give black people or women equal rights, but some of the early colonies, including the ones mentioned, had residents from a variety of religions (including Jews), and immigrants from numerous European and South American countries.

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Roman Catholicism has dominated Southern Europe since the Roman Empire adopted the religion of Christianity.

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They were initially known as "Shaking Quakers" because of their ecstatic behavior during worship services.