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Q: What represents a factor that advertisers consider when they are trying to persuade people to buy their product?
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What are goals of advertisers?

Advertisers want to create indirect connections between a product and a desirable image or value.

Which of the following statements is true about the goals of advertisers?

Advertisers want to create indirect connections between a product and a desirable image or value.

What does purchasing advertising do for advertisers ?

It gets their product in front of more people.

How do advertisers try to sell product and services?

by appealing to logic, emotion, and character.

Advertisers sell products by creating an association between that product and?

a desired value or image

Why do advertisers say a product is for a limited time only?

so you can get a good garuntee on it like cheaper plus there trying to sell the product

Should advertisement inform or persuade?

Both really because you are informing people about the object or item you are advertising and you also have to persuade people and give a reason why they should buy your product and the quality of the product.

Which choice is the best description of advertising?

Advertisers try to build a good image for a product. Apex ;)

Which statements best describes what purchasing advertising space does for advertisers?

what best descibes what purchaseing advertising space deos for advertisers

What techniques do advertisers employ in their effort to sway viewers attitudes toward a particular product?

Pavlonian conditioning

What are the goals of advertising?

Advertisers want to create indirect connections between a product and a desirable image or value.

How do you represents the number of product line?

product line filling