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This job belongs to the lymph system. It carries exccess fluid back into the circulatory system and it's lymph nodes are places where white blood cells mature and live while waiting for some infection to conquer.

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Q: What returns leaked fluids to the blood and help fight things that make you sick?
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What is the lymphatic system responsible for?

The lymphatic system picks up fluid leaked from blood vessels and returns it to the blood; disposes of debris in the lymphatic stream; and houses white blood cells involved in immunity.

What is the lymphatic system made to do?

White Blood Cells, water and dissolved substances

What returns tissue fluids to the blood?

The lymphatic system returns fluid to the blood. The lymphatic system has three main functions. 1. First, it returns excess interstitial fluid (also called tissue fluid) to the blood. 2. The second is the absorption of fats and fat-soluble vitamins from the digestive system and the subsequent transport of these substances to the venous circulation. 3) The third is defense against invading microorganisms and disease.

What are 3 fluids that run threw the human body?

blood,water and bodily fluids.

What is the Fluid that leaked out of blood vessels and into body tissues?


What system returns fluid to the vascular system?

There is no system that actually does that, the closest thing to that process is the heart and veins that returns lymphatic fluid, which is basically interstitial fluid plus white blood cells. The Lymphatic system.

Which type of blood vessel drains blood from tissues and returns it to the heart?

Veins are the type of blood vessel that drains blood from tissues and returns it to the heart.

What color is blood when it returns to the heart?

Blood is bright red when it returns to the heart from the lungs. It is darker red when it returns to the right atrium from the systemic circulation.

What returns blood from the abdomen?


How does blood return to the heart when the muscles are not contracting?

the blood returns because of the preasure with in the body it cotracts to pump the blood and relaxes that's when the blood returns on the other side

What are the three major body fluid compartments?

Body fluids are things like sweat, tears, blood, urine, CSF, mucus, genital secretions, breast milk; just about anything that is a part of or can come out of the body.

What are hypotonic intravenous fluids?

The body fluids shift out of the blood vessels and into the interstitial space. These fluids are used for re-hydration.