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Q: What river is part of the border that separates Canada from the US and connects the Atlantic?
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Which border is south of Canada?

The border which separates Canada from the United States

What ocean is on Canada's eastern border?

The Atlantic Ocean is east of Canada.

What is the only state that has a border of Canada and the Atlantic?

You are not correct. Maine, New Hampshire and New York ALL border Canada and the Atlantic

What is Canada's eastern border ocean?

The Atlantic Ocean.

What oceans Canada's Eastern border?

Atlantic Ocean

What three ocean border Canada?

The Atlantic, the Arctic & the Pacific

What river forms part of the northeastern border with Canada and connects the great lakes to the Atlantic ocean?

the st. Marys river

Sentence of border?

Border is a line that separates two different things. The border between the United States and Canada is very easy to cross.

Which three oceans border on Canada?

Arctic, Pacific and Atlantic.

What do fourteen states border?

Canada... No ! I did this one the other day ! It's the Atlantic !

Which 3 seas border Canada?

The coastlines are the longest of any country in the world. Canada has coastlines on three oceans: Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic.

What state has no border on the Atlantic Ocean Is it Vermont Connecticut or New Hampshire?

Vermont does not border the Atlantic Ocean. New Hampshire and Connecticut border the Atlantic Ocean.New Hampshire and Connecticut border the Atlantic Ocean. Vermont does not border the Atlantic Ocean.Vermont has no border on the Atlantic Ocean. Both Connecticut and New Hampshire have borders on the Atlantic Ocean.Vermont does not border the Atlantic Ocean. Hew Hampshire and Connecticut border the Atlantic Ocean.