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the Greeks were exceptional at everything they did like math and sculpture. Most civilisations looked up to them as a role model and when Alexander the great conquered everyone around he spread the Greek culture to everyone because he thought they were superior. even the Romans modeled most of their things and ideas after the greeks-steph :)

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The Etruscans, being neighbours, had a degree of influence of the Romans in the early history of Rome., but this is quite difficult to assess because of a lack of documentary and archaeological evidence. The Romans thought that some of their gods were Etruscan in origin.

According to the Roman tradition, the 5th king of Rome, who was half Greek and half Etruscan, introduced the following Etruscan customs:

· The celebration of triumphs in Etruscan style · The golden chariot of the king · The fasces, a bundle of wooden sticks with an axe sticking out in the middle. This was used by the lictors, the guards of the kings and later, during the period of the Roman Republic, the guards of the officers of state of the republic. They were a symbol of the power and authority. · The clothes worn by people in positions of authority: the trabea (the robe worn by the king and, in the republican period, the consuls and priests during public ceremonies; the toga preatexta ( the robe worn by higher officers of state); and the paludamnetum (a cloak worn by generals and their higher officers when commanding an army, but not during peace). · The curule chair the officers of state sat on as a symbol of their authority · The falerae round ornamental metal disks for helmets, armour and harness of horses.

Greek influence on the Romans, the Latins and other Italic peoples in central and southern |Italy started very early in their history. This was because the Greeks established colonies (settlements) in southern Italy and Sicily between the 8th and 7th centuries B.C. Being a more advanced civilisation, these Greeks had a profound impact on all the Italic peoples they came in contact with during their archaic (early) period. For example, Etruscan civilisation arose out of trade with and deep influence by these Greeks in what has been called the orientalising period, where the Etruscans adopted Greek motifs for their pottery and Greek architectural styles. The Italic peoples also adopted and adapted the western Greek alphabet to create their own written languages. This included written Etruscan and written Latin (the Romans were Latins). Recent archaeological evidence has shown that the Latins were influenced by the Greeks of Cumae (a Greek city near Naples, just 125 miles south of Rome) as well as the Etruscans in their archaic period.

Already in the 6th century B.C., the Romans started using the books of the Sibylline of Cumae. The Sibyllines were Greek oracles, some of whom lived in Cumae, near Naples, only some 125 miles south of Rome. The Romans adopted the Greek twin gods Castor and Pollux and the mythology associated with them by the late 5th century. In the 5th century B.C. they also adopted the Greek god Apollo, who was an oracular god (that is he was the god of the oracles) and built the Temple of Apollo Medicus (the doctor) in in 431. BC. Asclepius, Apollo's son, who mediated Apollo's association with medicine and healing, was also adopted. The Senate was instructed to build a temple in his honour by the Sybil oracles in 293 BC and also procured a statue of him from Greece. During the Second Punic War (218-202 BC) they 'imported' Cybele (whom they called Magna Mater, Great Mother) a Greek goddess because the books of the Sibyl oracles said that with this Rome could defeat Carthage. Besides adopting some Greek gods, at one point the Romans linked their gods to the Greek gods and their associated mythologies.

Greek influence on the Romans increased with the conquest of the Greek city of Tarentum (in the heel of Italy) and with the later contact with mainland Greece. The first educators in Rome were Greeks from Tarentum. This led to the adoption of the Greek model for education in Rome. The children of the Roman rich received an education in both Latin and Greek and were fluent in Greek. The pinnacle of their education was a stay in Greece to study Greek philosophy. Latin literature originally developed through translations or imitations of Greek epics, tragedies and comedies. Early Latin plays were modelled on Greek ones. Roman theatres were inspired by those of the Greeks. However, whilst the seating of Greek theatres were always built on hillsides, the Romans also built theatres with their own foundations which could be built on flat land.

The two main schools of Greek philosophy of the time, Stoicism and Epicureanism, became popular among the Roman elite. From Augustus onwards, they modelled their statues on the Hellenistic ones. They also copied statues on those of great Greek sculptors. The Romans also adopted Greek medicine, Greek sports and Greek siege machines, such as siege towers and catapults.

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Other peoples so admired Greek culture that they adopted or copied it.

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11y ago

They did many things including the first democracy, the first high rise apartments, and th Olympics.

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