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Answer1 Language being the commonly accepted means of communication has a diversity of roles in thinking processes, language misunderstanding and misinterpretation. Also it has impact on overcoming barriers to good communication such as faulty encoding and decoding in the transmission of information. Answer2: Abstract thought, and discussion of concepts such as gods, politics, merchandise and similar things that are not in front of us to look at, require language. Such interchanges are impossible without words and word-related concepts, along with agreement on their meanings in a particular context. Imagine having a discussion about the theory of evolution with someone who doesn't even understand the way scientists use the word "theory" (a common problem). Also, people who speak different languages actually think differently, based on the language in which they construct their thoughts.

Add to that the concept of semantics -- the meanings that words have beyond their literal meanings. For example, if I write "John and Mary had sexual intercourse," it has an entirely different semantic effect than if I write "John and Mary f***ed," even though it means exactly the same thing. Your ability to think critically about the two concepts would be affected in some ways, even if it were only your opinion of the person who wrote them and, thus, his potential reliability.

Critical thinking requires precise grasp of concepts and the ability to communicate them accurately, and that is impossible without language.


'Thinking' is for long exepted as existing, as well as 'mind'

That 'rationally' implies that also 'critical thinking' exists

Critical Behavior is proven, things like 'mind', 'spirit', 'anima', 'ether' never came further than the stage VERY TOUGH illusion.

Verbal language is behavior and is communicating 'intuition'.

Critical thinking might communicate 'critical intuition'


Language is a vocalized expression of concepts .The concepts are universal except for variations in the diverse nature expressed in a specific language. The vocalization in phonemes or morphemes structures differ from language to language if studied in the diverse historical,regional & social context but the concepts are universal and have the same semantic content. eg the semantic concept for an apple will be same for all languages but the vocalization will be diverse. Transliteration will give variations in semantic concept.

Critical thinking is Cognition ( in process) to format the embed concepts that emerge through a complex network in the neural cortices while cognitive process is only functional.The former is the embed concept, the later the functional aspect. The better the ability of the cognitive matrix to format the concepts, the better is the thinking process. Language is only the vocalized external output of a concept.

Language becomes a social interact within a language or in diverse languages to assimilate more concepts and has an important role in embed concepts for better and sometimes unique cognitive formatted concept output.

Language is a way of expessing emotive and logical thought. the language/s one knows are similar to a computer language like pascal, basic, logo or dos. many modern language have lost their logical integrity so that many sounds have a different meaning, eg. right, write, rite, wright (all pronounced the same yet with different meanings) or wind (force of air) & wind (to turn a crankshaft) words spelled the same yet with different pronunciation & different meaning, thus logic has been compromised. Of course some languages are like Logo, good for going around in circles! non compos mentis

Answer 5 -

Language is the main device that human beings use to communicate. Language is also the primary means of communication of culture. Using a single language results in a monoculture and a certain set way of thinking and feeling. But when a person experiences and uses a diversity of language and cultures they present a variety of viewpoints and strategies. This is, of course, a great asset in the critical thinking process. The close relationship between language and culture makes language a very important tool to improve the critical thinking process. Culture shapes language and exploring diverse languages is a very good strategy for improving the critical thinking process.

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