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the roll of a nucleus cell is the control center of the cell body

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12y ago

Nucleus is the brain of the cell; cells grow the wrong way to form cancer cells

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Q: What role does the nucleus contents play in the cell?
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What role does mitosis play?

the division of a cell's nucleus.

What does mitosis play a role in?

the division of a cell's nucleus.

What role do the contents of a nucleus have?

the contents of the nueclus akhil

What does mitosis directly play a role in?

the division of a cell's nucleus.

What role does mitosis most directly play in?

the division of a cell's nucleus.

What role does the nucleus play in a cell What is found in the nucleus?

The nucleus is the control center of a cell. It contains genetic material called DNA, which carries the instructions for cell functions, growth, and development. Additionally, the nucleus contains the nucleolus, which is responsible for producing ribosomes.

What is an important role of the nucleus cell?

The important role of nucleus in the cell us it controls all the parts of the cell or a living organism

what in animal cells that play a role in cell reproduction?

Actually it's mitosis.

What is the role of the cell nucleus?

To direct all of the cell's functions.

What is chief role of the nucleus in a cell?

The nucleus contains the DNA, which has the instructions for the production of functional products (i.e. proteins). Therefore the main role of the nucleus is to control the functions of the cell.

What is the role of the nucleus in the cell?

In the cell the nucleus acts as the control center. It also houses the DNA of the cell which is essential for reproduction.

Found in animals cells and play a role in cell division?

I believe the answer is nucleus, as the nucleus contains all the cells genetic information, and control all cells activities.