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they eat cougars and wolves and bears

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Q: What roles does the bighorn sheep play in the ecosystem?
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They break down dead organisms and return the nutrients to the ecosystem

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Mice play many roles within an ecosystem. These animals help to rid insects that can damage plants, cultivate soil when digging, and are food for other animals within the environment.

What roles do the birds of prey play in the commmunity?

The birds of prey play a very important role in the community. The bird of prey helps in maintaining the ecosystem.

What rhymes with sheep sheep thair good for the world?

A rhyme for "sheep" could be "deep," as in the animals grazing in fields deep. Sheep play an important role in maintaining grasslands by grazing and preventing overgrowth of vegetation. Their activities help promote biodiversity and support ecosystem health.

What is the ecosystem of a jackrabbit?

Rabbits play two roles in the ecosystem: that of prey(food for predator animals of all sizes) and that of grazer(rabbits forage through fields and meadows snipping down growth and distributing fertilizer -- their feces).

What two roles prokaryotes play in the cycling of elements in an ecosystem?

Prokaryotes can recycle elements both by breaking down dead matter, and by fixing elements like nitrogen from the atmosphere.

What are two roles Prokaryotes play in the cycling of elements in an ecosystem?

They are decomposers that eat the dead or decaying matter in an ecosystem

What role do mammals play in the ecosystem?

mammals are very important members in the ecosystem. as mammals can be herbivores (deer), carnivores (bobcats), or omnivores (racoons). mammals play very important roles as both providing food for carnivores and balancing the herbivore population, they are essential elements in any healthy ecosystem.

What role do sharks play in its ecosystem?

They play a huge role in the ecosystem. They mostly play Toby Keith music to crabs who feel insecure about themselves.