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A lot of anti African American laws.

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Q: What rule did martin luther king brake?
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Did Martin Luther king stop the rule of black people are not allowed on buses?

yes he did xx

What religious order did martin Luther king belong to?

The Augustinians, who follow the Rule of Saint Augustine of Hippo!!

What event influenced in the life of martin Luther king Jr?

that he thinks he would one day rule the civil rights.

When did yelstin rule?

He lead the Martin Luther King guys and he was a terrible person, he shot down a us spy plane in 1960

What in christian religion inspired martin Luther king to fight for justic?

tghe rule about everyone being treated equally no matterr what religion

What was Martin Luther King Jr's most famous speech about?

It was about how he wanted to start a new empire under the black rule where the whites were their cotton pickers

The problem between the Catholic church and the Protestant Movement?

You know Catholics and Protestants are very controversial when it comes to their different believes, for you to truly understand what the problem would be, then you would most likely go back into history and read about Martin Luther King the founder of all Protestants and be sure not to confuse Martin Luther King Jr. (African American who wrote the poem ''I have a Dream'') to Martin Luther King the founder since they are both, after all, completely different people. Martin Luther King Jr. was named after Martin Luther King since his mother truly admired him or so the rumors say. Despite these, Martin Luther King was a strong faithful Christian and Catholic who strongly believed in the Church. Back in the day, only the wealthiest of all people were allowed to read the Bible and it was a privilege since the Bible was yet not translated into different languages. Since Martin Luther King was one of the most supportive people of the Church, one of the priests granted him permission to translate the Bible. It was then when Martin Luther King realized that the Bible itself was very different from what Catholics would preach. There were no saints mentioned in the Bible and it was then when he realized that the Bible contained a different interpretation from the one he was given and taught. Angry, it was then that he decided to face the priests about the lies that they were teaching and the misunderstanding that they were told. The priests soon turned on Martin and told him to forget what he learned from the Bible and change what they believed in. He didn't agree with such things and realized that the Catholic Church had one purpose only. To rule and power. He then left the Catholic Church and started the Protestant Movement where they could finally preach the true definition of the Bible and its beliefs. There are many different stories about Martin Luther King and what really did happen. This is one of the many popular stories that are told about the problems between Protestants and Catholics.

Why did Martin Luther King try to commit suicide as a child?

There are no official reports of Martin Luther King's children trying to commit suicide. However, this doesn't mean that it didn't happen. They did voice about depression after their father was killed.

What church did Martin Luther King Jr become a minister?

At the age of 19, he graduated from Morehouse College and became a minister. He was 15 when he first became an assistant minister of the Ebenezer Baptist church, where his father was minister.

Advocated nonviolent means to achieve equal rights?

Both Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. were advocates of non-violent protest as a means of achieving equal rights. While Gandhi mounted his fight for Indians under English colonial rule, Martin Luther King Jr. took Gandhiâ??s methods into the deep south during the American Civil Rights movement to bring equal citizen rights to African-Americans.

How can civil disobedience bring change?

Martin Luther King Jr. and Gandhi were two of the most famous leaders who implemented civil disobedience successfully. In the case of Martin Luther King, he urged his followers to resist taking public transportation or take part in "sit-ins," where they sat inside restaurants until they were told to leave. Like King, Gandhi organized peaceful marches in order to defy British rule. Both these leaders proved that violence is not needed to start powerful movement, make themselves heard, and significantly impact society.

What did Martin Luther King Ir do to help America?

He made everybody realize how blacks where being treated.He showed people where being unfair to blacks, they where making them usebad bathrooms bad fountains bad housesHe mostly showed the "Separate but equal" rule was wrong