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Steel oxidises fastest

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Q: What rusts faster copper steel or zinc in different types of water?
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Which rusts faster iron or steel?

Iron rusts faster in theory, but it all depends on the conditions. Steel is just Iron mixed into an alloy with Carbon and (sometimes) a few other metals. There are many different grades and types of both Iron and Steel, and they all oxidize at slightly different rates. In short, oiled or finished steel will give you a fair amount of rust resistance, but it is always necessary to maintain metals to prevent oxidation.

What type of water rusts steel faster salt water fresh water or refrigerated water?

steel rusts fastest in salt water.. wonder why??? because salt water has sodium which can react to iron in steel.

What rusts faster aluminium or carbon steel?

Since aluminum cannot rust ('rust' is a specific term for the corrosion of iron), carbon steel will be faster. Althpough an oxide coat forms on both aluminum and steel, the oxides are of a different nature. The iron "rust" is a pervious coating which allows water to be held against the metal and oxygen to enter and react with the wet metal, aluminum oxide is an impervious layer which protects the metal from further decomposition,

Which conducts heat faster steel copper or metal?

Steel and copper are both metals, but copper is the best conductor.

What type of metal rusts the slowest?

I don't think steel rusts.iron rusts but steel will not rust. copper also does not rust.Steel ruststeel also rust in some conditionsAll steels and low-alloy steels rust in moist atmospheres. In some circumstances, the addition of 0.3% copper to carbon steel can reduce the rate of rusting by one quarter or even by one half.

Should you use steel pipe for water?

No! Steel is a very bad choice for plumbing, as it rusts and can poison your water. PVC, copper, or clay pipes are recommended for plumbing.

What is rusts steel?

steel will rust when you wash it

Which metal rust fastest copper bronze or steel?

iron will rust faster because the hydrogen molecules combine with metalic molecules in the iron faster which causes the chemical reaction process to speed up sincerly, Jake from AZ 7th grade student

How carbon act with steel?

it rusts

How can you tell the difference between steel and aluminium?

steel rusts