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Scientists traveling to Antarctica to collect data on their question about the health of planet earth can only access the continent between about October and about February.

Otherwise, Antarctic research stations are inaccessible.

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Q: What season is good for scientists to study Antarctica?
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Do scientists do more harm than good in Antarctica?

Yes, Pollution. No, Scientific research and data on wildlife and climate change.

What do astronomers study at Antarctica?

because it has a very good ozone layer above it and it's atmosphere is one of the fazing best

What is good about Antarctica?

Antarctica is one of the most exotic places on earth: the highest, driest, windiest, coldest and darkest continent. People who go to Antarctica are either tourists or scientists. Tourists travel to Antarctica in ships and remain near the edge of the continent, eating and sleeping on the ships, and venturing onto land for a few hours. Some tourists travel to Antarctica in expeditions to experience the extreme conditions there for hiking, and extreme cold weather trekking. They camp out and carry all their gear. Usually, expeditions arrive in Antarctica by chartered airplane. Scientists and people who work in Antarctica work in support of science. They earn money working in jobs related to science. They live in Antarctica for extended periods, usually from many months to several years, depending on the sponsoring government's guidelines. Scientists and their support staff are usually transported to Antarctica by military aircraft belonging to the sponsoring government, although there are scientific ships that represent the scientific work of many governments.

Are man excels more in science than women?

It depends but they are both real good but lots of scientists are guys and study hard so men are better scientists

How do scientists learn about galaxies?

they learn by going to a good school and study the stars and planets

What are the potential uses of Antarctica?

According to the Antarctic Treaty, all land south of 60 degrees S is dedicated to scientific research about the health of planet earth. The treaty has been ratified or signed by governments representing 80% of the earth's population.

Why is Antarctica a good place to study the weather?

Antarctica's weather is very cold and its lowest temperature ever recorded was -89.2 degrees Celsius. Antarctica is a great place for people such as meteorologists to study weather. Weather balloons are use to find weather temperatures and speeds. It is a good place for weather study because it has more different weather changes than most other parts of the world, and since it is located at the bottom of the Earth it has different view and direction to the sun. And of course its weather patterns are different, just like all parts of the world.

Do scientist study other galaxies because they want to learn about the speed of light?

No. We already know a good deal about the speed of light. Scientists study other galxies to learn how galaxies work.

Good thing about fishibg in Antarctica?

There is no commercial fishing in Antarctica.

What else do scientists do in antarctica?

Scientists may go to Antarctica to do some scientific research so that they can find out more about our strange planet. They may also go to take samples of ice cores so that they can see what the ice was like thousands of years ago in that very spot. Hope you all thought that my information was good. =) I've always wanted to say this on the internet!... I LOVE ALEX NEWSON!!!

What are the good points of digging up Antarctica?

We don't know of any good points of digging up Antarctica.

Why its so hard to convict liars?

It's hard to prove if someone is lying. But there are scientists that study every muscle in the face and have gotten really good at figuring it out.