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Every bishop, by virtue of his consecration is an Exorcist. Any priest whom he appoints in his diocese, can also be an exorcist. Rome has stipulated that every diocese must have an exorcist, at least one; but this is not always the case. If you feel that you need to consult an exorcist, you should start by talking to your parish priest, if he can't help you, then call the diocese. If you live in a diocese that does not appear to be helpful, you might need to call a neighboring diocese. I would recommend that you get hold of Fr. Amorth's

books, An Exorcist Tells His Story, and An Exorcist More Stories. Fr. Amorth

is the chief exorcist of Rome and he gives minute details as to what you can do, what prayers lay people can use, who they can turn to, all of that, check out the links below.

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Q: What sector of the Catholic Church deals with exorcism?
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