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Nobody has a proper opportunity to break one's heart- even elders.

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Q: What sentences can you use with the word proper?
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Why do some sentences not start with a capital letter?

In English, all proper sentences start with a capitalized word.

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sentences that have biting in them

How do you use the word anyone in a sentence?

You can use 'anyone' in lots of sentences. Proper sentences usually have 'while', 'and', 'but', 'who' 'as' or 'since' in them. Here is an example: "Is there anyone who can help him?" Cried Jo as he comforted Jack who had been hit by a speeding car.

If a word is capitalized in the middle of a sentence chances are the word is?

The only words that should be capitalized in the middle of sentences are proper nouns. Proper nouns include, but are not limited to, names, months, places, and days of the week.Also, title of books and articles and the like can be capitalized in the middle of sentences.

How do you use the word amusement in the sentence?

The proper way to say amusment in a sentence is " We had fun today in the amusment park" Or " the monkey was a great amusment at the party" those are some sentences you can use that have the word amusment in them.

How to use should in sentences?

The word "should" be used in the conditional sentences.

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How do you use the word enhance in a sentence?

You can can use the word "enhance" to enhance your sentences. Enhancing your sentences makes them so much better.

Rules for determining the meaning of words and sentences?

Grammar is the proper term that provides rules when writing.. Grammar covers rules for word use, subject, predicate and general sentences structure/

Which is the proper way to use the term empathetic. Professor Brown was empathetic to the concerns of her science class. The governor was not empathetic with the tenants and their predicament.?

Both sentences use the word empathetic properly.

When communication via email you should?

Use complete sentences and proper grammar

How do you use word 'who' in sentences?

How about "who are you?' The is actually a song by The Who.