

What server is Aunt Arctic on?

Updated: 10/26/2022
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9y ago

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Type in Google and find out. I haven't played it in years but i know she is rarely on.
ant artic doesnt go on a spasific server. like me :) she just picks a random one.

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They might not like the server Artic. Poor 'Aunt' Artic ;)

On Club Penguin what server is Aunt Arctic?

She could be on any server , but it might be full when you actually figure it out . She switches every 15 minutes so you have to be fast .

In Club Penguin where is aunt arctic?

Answer:Aunt Arctic is the editor of the Club Penguin Times, which is the official newspaper of Club Penguin. She used to be a columnist for a section called, "Ask Aunt Arctic" but became the editor in 2008. I dont get your question: if your asking who she is than she/he awnsered that if your asking if she has an account then i think yes!Aunt Arctic is a famous penguin on club penguin you can get a free gift from her

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Who is aunt arctic in club penguin?

Aunt Arctic is the woman who writes the newsletter on clubpenguin

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Aunt Arctic's igloo is hidden as a regular igloo of a penguin.

Where is aunt arctic on club penguin elite penguin force?

Aunt Arctic is at the Lighthouse Beacon.

Where is aunt Arctic in mission 5?

There is no Aunt Arctic on Mission 5, she is only in mission 1.

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its modorator or aunt arctic puffles

Is aunt arctic a member or a non member on club penguin?

aunt arctic is a member on club penguin

On club penguin what server is aunt arctic on?

As we all know, Aunt Arctic is the newspaper writer of club penguin. Logically, she'll be a very busy person. But sometimes she takes time out to come on club penguin. However, even when she is online she is very busy interviewing people and taking reports for her newspaper. So, she would always be moving around room to room and server to server. So its almost impossible to tell you in one answer where she is, because by the time someone might have posted the answer to such a question, she might have already moved! So the best way to find Aunt Arctic is check crowded servers in rooms she could be when she is online.

Is aunt arctic club penguin the director of the PSA?

I say yes because when you type aunt arctic is the your going to see director, and if you put your mouse on aunt arctic in the news paper, she will be wearing spy glasses.