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A 7 sided shape which is an heptagon

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Q: What shape has the sum of 900 for the internal angles?
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What shape has 900 degrees?

A heptagon has a total sum of interior angles of 900 degrees.

Whats the sum of the internal angles of a heptagon?

The sum of the internal angles of a heptagon is 900 degrees. This can be found be multiplying one angle, 128 and four sevenths, by 7.

What shape has the sum of its angles equal 720 degrees?

Assuming you meant 'internal' angles - a hexagon.

What is the sum of the interior angles of a seven sided shape?

900 degrees

What is the sum of the interior angles of a polygon is 900 What type of polygon is it?

For any regular polygon with number of sides n, the sum of the internal angles is equal to (n - 2) x 180. Therefore, the number of sides of a shape the sum of whose internal angles are equal to 900 is equal to (n - 2) x 180 = 900, therefore, n = (900 / 180) + 2 = 7. The number of sides the shape will have is 7, making it a heptagon (also known as a septagon). It is not necessarily regular however, because although the angles in a regular heptagon would add to 900 degrees, an irregular heptagon would also add to this number.

What is the sum of the degrees of the internal angles of a tetradecagon?

For any n-sided regular polygon, the sum of the internal angles of the polygon is equal to (n - 2) x 180. In this instance, the sum of the internal angles of a 14-sided shape is equal to (14 - 2) x 180 = 2160 degrees.

What is the angle sum of a fourteen sided shape?

The sum of the internal angles of a regular polygon with n sides is (n - 2) x 180 degrees. Therefore, the sum of the internal angles of a 14-sided shape (a tetrakaidecagon) is (14 - 2) x 180 = 2160 degrees.

What is the sum of the internal angles of a triacontakaihexagon?

The sum of the internal angles of any regular polygon is (n - 2) x 180 degrees. Since a triacontakaihexagon has 36 sides, the sum of the internal angles of a triacontakaihexagon has a sum of internal angles of (36 - 2) x 180 = 6120 degrees.

Sum of the angles of triangles?

The sum of the internal angles always equals 180o

What is the sum of the internal angles of a 10 sided shape?

It is (10 - 2)*180 = 8*180 = 1440 degrees.

What the total degress of a 7 sided figure?

The sum of the internal angles of a 7-sided polygon equals 900 degrees.

The sum of the angles in a 33 sided shape?

The sum of the angles in the 33 sided shape is 5,580 degrees