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the whale shark is considered to be the largest shark in the ocean.

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Q: What shark is the largest and considered?
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What shark is considered a mega shark?

According to Discovery Channel, in history we had one shark that was considered giant or mega shark. The Megalodon could reach length over 50 feet and was one of the largest and powerful predators in history.

What is considered the largest and gentlest sea creature of all sharks?

That would be the whale shark.

What is the 2nd largest shark in the ocean?

the second largest shark is the basking shark.

Why isn't a whale shark considered to be a shark?

It is considered a shark.

What is the largest shark in the wolrd?

the largest sharks are the megalodon and the whale shark

What is the world's largest shark?

one of the world's largest shark is the great white shark.

What is the differ between sharks and whales?

The major difference is whale sharks are huge. They're around 30 feet long on average and the largest specimen found was around 40 feet long. Also whale sharks are filter feeders, as in they only eat plankton and krill. They're harmless and divers can easily swim beside them or even hold on to them.

Is the whaleshark the second largest in the world?

No. The whale shark is the largest shark, growing to 49 feet or more. Second largest shark is the basking shark, reaching lengths of 37 feet.

Who is largest shark or whale?

Many whales grow larger than the largest shark. The whale shark is the largest shark at 50 feet, while the blue whale can be two times as long.

Is a basking shark a shark?

Yes it is. It's the worlds second largest fish. (A shark is a fish by the way). The worlds largest fish is also a shark, the whale shark. From the shark expert girl.

What is the fifth largest shark?

the megamouth shark is the fifth largest shark this fish is 100 tons the same as the blue whale

What did the largest shark weigh?

The largest shark was supposed to weigh around 7000 pounds.