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Santa Maria.

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Q: What ships did Christopher Columbus traveled on?
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Where cristopher Columbus traveled?

Christopher Columbus traveled Cuba Spain and America

What food did Christopher Columbus bring from Columbus?

he never traveled to Columbus!

What age was Christopher Columbus when he traveled to Iceland?

He never traveled to iceland

Where Columbus travelled?

Christopher Columbus traveled Cuba Spain and America

What where the ships of Christopher Columbus?


Where has Christopher Columbus traveled?

he has traveled to America Spain, Portugal and may more

Is Isabella Christopher Columbus wife?

no, Isabella was the one that sponsored Christopher Columbus with money and ships.

What did Christopher Columbus did when the ships was in harsh?

He boated them.

What did Christopher Columbus and his ships sail on?

Christopher Columbus's ships were the Nina, Pinta, and the Santa Maria. They sailed across the Atlantic Ocean to the New World.

What ships did Christopher Columbus use?

Christopher Columbus used the Nina,Pinta,and the Santa Maria for his journey.

How many women traveled with Christopher Columbus to America?


What was the name of the ship Christopher Columbus traveled on?

The Santa Maria.