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This is an opinion, but in-family relationships are not encouraged.

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Q: What should be done if I am a boy and my cousin has a crush on me and I also have a crush on her?
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yes yes you should and also get them to do the same thing

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Bring a lawsuit against the cousin, forcing the cousin to show what was done. Perhaps your cousin did not share money equally because the will or living trust did not require him/her to divide money equally.

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The tears in his eyes when you and your crush kissed could be tears of joy.

What do guys look for in girls and what should you do if you have a crush on someone?

no one can tell you that you have to figure that out if you like someone what do you look for looks will probably be number one and if you have a crush on someone if you she has any attachments then let it go but if not then ask her out and buy her some flowers or do something she's never done before

What had cousin joshua done in to kill a mockingbird?

Cousin Joshua did not directly appear in "To Kill a Mockingbird." However, there is an incident where Cousin Joshua shoots at a black character in the book. This event is arguably a reference to Bob Ewell's attempt to harm Atticus Finch in the story.

Is it ok to tell my boss that I have a crush on him?

I would keep the social/love life out of the office no matter how difficult it gets. Telling your boss that you have a crush on him might make things awkward and difficult to get both your jobs done. Most places also have a policy that prohibits employing relationships.

How do you dream about your crush at night?

What I do is that at night, I take love quizzes, use the love meters, and listen to love music. When I am about done, I put that away, lye down and think about my crush. Think about what you want to do with your crush. Hope this helps!