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It is important keep excretory organs in good condition so that they they function well. Kidneys are part of that system. If kidneys fail, it can lead to other organs failing as well. Drinking water, eating well, and limiting alcohol use will help keep the system working well.

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Q: What should you do with the other excretory organs to make them function well?
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What are the other excretory organs?

The Kidneys

What are the other organs in the excretory system?


What is the main function in the excretory system?

The main function of the excretory system is to get rid of wastes from the body. It is actually composed of many different structures and organs in other systems of the body. The organs that contribute are ones like the lungs, skin, liver, kidneys, colon, and bladder, just to name a few.

What is the functions in the excretory system?

The main function of the excretory system is to get rid of wastes from the body. It is actually composed of many different structures and organs in other systems of the body. The organs that contribute are ones like the lungs, skin, liver, kidneys, colon, and bladder, just to name a few.

What are the other excretory organs of the body waste from the body?

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What is the function of metanephridium?

Excretory organ found in earthworms and other animals.

Is the organs of your urinary system circulatory or excretory organs?

that is because Excretion is the process of eliminating waste products of metabolism and other non-useful materials

The function of the respiratory system closely overlaps with which other system?

The excretory system signed: alexis.a

What two organs from other systems are also considered to be part of the excretory system?

The lungs and the skin are part of the excretory system as both give off some wastes.

What organ systems perform interrelated functions within the human body?

organs are interdependent because they must work together to function, otherwise, we won't work properly. they cannot work alone. organs work together and organ systems work with another to function.

What will happen if there is excretory system not in your body?

if your excretory system fails you you will die unless you have a very aggressive doctor who can save your other organs will eventually start to shut down and youll die idk any diseases that can affect the excretory system.........

Why is the brain control the center of the body?

Because brain transmits electrochemical signals throughout the body which will trigger other organs to function, specifically brain is responsible for other organs to function.