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The death of Julius Caesar was the death of the Roman Republic. His assassins thought that they were saving the republic from a dictator, but in reality they brought about its downfall. After the civil war that followed, the republic became the principate with the emperors being the sole rulers.

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Q: What significant result did the death of Julius Caesar have for the Roman Republic?
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How long did the roman republic last?

The Roman Republic was established in 509 BC when the Roman Monarchy was overthrown, and was itself overthrown in 27 BC as a result of the Civil War that followed the assasination of Julius Caesar. It was replaced by the Imperial government of Augustus Ceaser and his successors.

Who is the protaganist in Julius Caesar?

It is Julius Caesar because the whole story, actions of people, conspiracies, battles and deaths are the events based upon this one man and a result of his character in the play.

Which outcome is not a result of the events of act 3.1 of The Tragedy of Julius Caesar?

The discovery of penicillin.

How do Julius ceasagetr rome need to remains republic?

Rome did not need to remain a Republic. The system of governance of the Republic was collapsing under the weight of imperial epxansion. The central government had lost control. The governors of the provinces acted independently from it. The armies around the empire could be used by powerful men to get what they wanted. The system was highly corrupt. Julius Caesar realised this and was reforming the system. To make this work power needed to be concentrated in the hands of one man. There were two problems with this. One was that the conservatives resented Caesar's growing power and the senate's loss of power. The other was that the Republic had been the result of the overthrow of the last king who was a tyrant. Because of this Roman culture was opposed to having a king. Caesar was accused of trying to become a king. Julius Caesar's adoptive son Octavian (later called Augustus) achieved his aim when he won the civil wars.

Approximently how long did the roman republic last?

The Roman Republic was established in 509 BC when the Roman Monarchy was overthrown, and was itself overthrown in 27 BC as a result of the Civil War that followed the assasination of Julius Caesar. It was replaced by the Imperial government of Augustus Ceaser and his successors.

What was the event leading to Julius Caesar's death?

Julius Caesar was assassinated as a result of a conspiracy planned by forty Roman senators. The main motive of the assassination is commonly presumed to be the declaration of Caesar as dictator of Rome. The senators, who feared that Caesar would overthrow Rome's partial democracy in favor of a tyrannical Dictatorship, planned the conspiracy and stabbed Caesar to death twenty-three times.

What happen to Julius Laesa r?

Julius Caesar was murdered in the play written by Shakespeare. He was a Roman emperor who was hated by some Roman men. As a result, he was assassinated in the Capitol by a group of conspirators.

Did Julius Caesar became dictator of Rome as a result of a change in Constitution?

no, senators assassinated ceasar before he had a chance to become a dictator

Julius Caesar was killed because?

Tensions had been building between the Senate and Julius Caesar for some time. On one occasion he failed to rise to meet some dignitaries. This was considered an affront and disrespectful. Not long after, he was killed.

What caused Julius Caesar's death?

The assassination of Julius Caesar, which occurred on this day in 44 B.C., known as the Ides of March, came about as a result of a conspiracy by as many 60 Roman senators. Led by Gaius Cassius Longinus and Marcus Junius Brutus, they fatally stabbed Caesar in Rome, near the Theatre of Pompey.

Why did the conspirators want Caesar dead?

Julius Caesar was famous all over Europe as a conqueror and when he returned to Rome he was admired by his people. But many of Caesar’s friends and companions were afraid of his increasing popularity. They suspected that he was being ambitious day by day and wished to become King of Roman people in order to gain absolute power in affairs of state. That is why part certain parties of Rome wish to kill Julius Caesar .

To what extent was Julius Caesar the greatest general in history?

Sorry to disagree but I don't think Julius was the greatest general of all time. All he conquered was Gaul and only raided Briton. His greatness is more a result of his own self-promotion, not actual conquests.