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asteroids and comets!

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Q: What sites will you see on the way from Earth to Uranus?
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What type of climate does the uranus planet have?

Uranus can not be said to have a climate in the way Earth does, and even Earth dos not have just one climate.

Which way does Saturn revolve?

The same way Earth revolves. Only Uranus turns a different way.

What is the current theory regrading the unnusual way in which uranus rotates?

84 years on earth

How many days does Uranus revolves around the sun?

Uranus is way farther from the Sun than Earth, so it takes longer to revolve around it. Instead of taking about 365 Earth days, which is how long it takes Earth, Uranus takes about30,685 Earth days!You can't have a simple exact answer. For one thing there are slightly different definitions for the "orbital period" of Uranus and the length of an "Earth day".(I've used one of the numbers given by NASA.)

Which way are the rings and equator oriented around Uranus?

The rings and equator on Uranus are oriented north to south. Unlike the equator on earth that runs from east to west.

What galaxy is Uranus in?

Uranus is in our galaxy, the Milky Way. Everything you can see in the sky at night without a telescope, all the planets and stars are all in our galaxy.

How long are Uranus years and days?

-- The 'year' on Uranus ... the period of its orbital revolution around the sun ... is 84.3 Earth years. -- Uranus rotates on its axis in 17hours 14minutes of Earth time. Because of the way its rotation axis is inclined, a day can be anything from zero up to about 42.1 Earth years, depending on where it is in its orbit, and where you happen to be standing on its surface.

Why is uranus gravity similar to earth?

Saturn's greater mass is compensated by its lower density. Stated another way, if you are on Saturn's "surface" (it doesn't really have any proper surface like the Earth), the center of Saturn is far away.

How many days is 84 earth years?

One year on planet Uranus equals 84 Earth years. Uranus is a gaseous outer planet that has many rings and moons The names of some moons or satellites include Oberon, Miranda, and Titania.

How long is the Milky Way galaxy from Uranus?

Uranus is within the Milky Way Galaxy.