

What skills can you train in Skyrim?

Updated: 12/18/2022
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12y ago

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All of the ones in the skills menu.

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Q: What skills can you train in Skyrim?
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There are no classes in Skyrim, a character is free to develop and become proficient in whichever skills they wish.

Where to train a barbarian character in The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim?

Skyrim has no class system, so how you define a 'barbarian' might be different from others. The Companions in Whiterun are probably the closest to the archetypical Nordic Warriors, you'll find trainers there for various melee skills, including weapons, shields and armour.

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Yes and the longer you stay in jail the more skills are affected.

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There's a student who walks around in the collage of Winterhold. He specializes in illusion spells, and can train you, and sell you illusion spells.

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Train skills.

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You train you skills.

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Train your skills.

Does your archery and one handed skills increase in Skyrim if you use it horseback?

Yes, as long as you use them on valid targets, it doesn't matter if you are on horseback. This applies to all combat skills.

Can every character in Skyrim do magic?

Yes, there are no classes. Any character can learn spells and start developing magic skills.

What skills does a tank train?

they get up all skills as high as they can, hence the name 'tank`.