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I don't think this person is describing an assassin bug, which is not black, and does not bite like a tick but "stings" with a huge, needle-like proboscis that unfolds and hurts like a red-hot needle going in! An assassin bug looks more like a large stink-bug from an alien planet, with a distinctive spiny ridge on its back that looks like half a rusty, cogged wheel is emerging from it. I don't think anybody who has ever seen a tick would ever call an assassin bug "tick-like"!

I've been bitten twice this year by a "black, tick-like bug" myself, and have been trying to find out what it is. The bug I'm trying to ID (and I suspect this person is also trying to ID) looks more like a small, shiny black ladybug and attaches itself to your skin just like a tick does. It even makes the same "tik!" sound when you pluck it off your skin. It also itches terribly for many days, the same way tick bites do. But I know it can't be a tick, because it's very easy to squash between your fingers, something nobody can do with a tick. I'm fairly certain it's some kind of beetle. Next time I find one on myself, I'll be sure to take a picture of it before squishing it!

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11y ago
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12y ago

First of all, note that "bug" normally refers to an insect (a small SIX-legged creature), while a tick is really an arachnid (with EIGHT legs).

Ticks latch onto humans or other warmblooded creatures, bury their fangs in our skin, and suck our blood. Nasty. They often carry diseases.

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12y ago

Because black is a shade and when we close our eyes that's all we can see

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9y ago

A small black bug that resembles a tick might be a minute pirate bug or Anthocoridae. This bug looks similar to a tick. It could also be a small spider.

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9y ago

The noun tick can mean:

  1. A small bloodsucking arachnid.
  2. A straw mattress
  3. A check mark
  4. The sound a clock makes
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Q: What is the tick like black bug that bites?
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How do you tell if it is a tick bite or bug bite?

A tick bite is a bug bite. Tick bites hurt a lot. Other bites tend to itch. I found my tick & bite because it itched a lot. It is a tick bite if there is a tick on it although baby ticks can be as small as a piece of pepper. ICK!

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a no-see-um. they hurt!!

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its not but many people call them bug bites so they may not like it

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Yes, shingles rash can look like bug bites as well as blisters. There is no one way that shingles looks.

How do you stop bug bites?

Bug Spray

Bed bug rash?

Bedbugs bites are usually in a straight line. They can be quite itchy,causing a rash-like appearance. Infection can set in if they are scratched with unclean hands.

Will garlic prevent bed bug bites?

the best thing to prevent bug bites and stings is to use dryer sheets and bug spray.

Finding Bug Bite Pictures?

Finding bug bites on your skin can be very stressful. After all, you don't know if you were bit by something that will make you sick or give you an infection. If you have been bitten by an insect, then you really need to consider the importance of being able to identify certain types of bug bites. To do this, you need to find some bug bite pictures. Bug bite pictures can be used to help you identify your bug bites in a timely and simple manner. All you have to do is hold your bug bite up to the pictures and see if something matches. You can compare the size, shape, and feeling of your bug bite to those in the pictures. Barring a doctor's visit, this is the best way to identify what bug has bitten you. There are a lot of reasons to check for bug bite pictures on the internet. One of the most important of these reasons is protection from disease. This can be very important because there are many bugs out there that can make you sick if they bite you. A classic example of this is the dreaded tick. Ticks carry many different diseases that can make humans sick or deathly ill. If you find out that you were bitten by a tick early enough, then you can go get checked out by a doctor. This quick response could make all the difference in keeping you safe if it turns out you caught something from the tick. If you get bitten by some unknown bug, then you have no idea what type of diseases you may have contracted. You may have any number of deadly illnesses if you are bitten by something like a tick. It only makes sense to try and identify what bugs have bitten you if you find a bunch of bites. Most bug bites are completely harmless and will result in nothing but minor skin irritation. However, you don't want to take that chance if you don't have to. By checking for bug bite pictures, you will be able to identify what bug has bitten you and lay your fears to rest.

Do chickenpox look like bug bites?

No, it looks like blisters with puss/water like fluid inside.

You have bed bug bites but you don't have bed bugs Where did the bed bug bites come from?

If you don't have bedbugs your bites are not from bedbugs, or you are being bitten while you are somewhere else. Bedbug bites are commonly confused with flea bites and mosquito bites. There is also a skin rash called Pityriasis Rosea that may be caused by a virus and that may look like Bed Bug bites at first. If you think you have a Bedbug bite go to a doctor, have a specialist inspect your home for bedbugs, or research about what Bedbug bites look like. Bedbugs are not known to transmit diseases or parasites to people, but their bits can be painful and worrisome.