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Yellow caterpillars will eat any type of fruit. The size of the fruit does not matter. The caterpillar likes to eat sweet fruits.

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Q: What small fruits do fuzzy yellow caterpillars eat?
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What do fuzzy yellow caterpillars eat?

Black and Yellow fuzzy caterpillars eat things such as... Leaves, and big pieces of grass.Also, if keeping one of these,keep it out of direct sunlight, otherwise, it will shrivel and dry up... a good place for it would be in a dark garden. (:-thanks always..**keep the world in balance!**

What does the small black fuzzy caterpillar turn into?

It will become a butterfly. It will become a moth.

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Do caterpillars have antenna?

Caterpillars do have antennas but they are very small and hard to see.

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The mint plant that is best known for being small and having fuzzy leaves is the apple mint plant. Pineapple mint and peppermint also have fuzzy leaves.

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Do caterpillars eat doggies?

Nope.If the caterpillars are big enough and the doggies are small enough, then they still wouldn't eat them since caterpillars are herbivores.

What is small and fuzzy that hangs from a tree?

A peach