

What snaping turtles eat?

Updated: 11/23/2022
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11y ago

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Snapping turtles are carnivorous, and eat mainly fish, amphibians, invertebrates (when young), and carrion.

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Q: What snaping turtles eat?
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they can bite. They have powerful jaws and a beak that can rip flesh. They have long necks and can reach more than halfway around the back of their shells. Some turtles prey on fish, and many will eat meat if they find some.

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top one is human lol true but natral predtorys any other fish bigger or biig enough to at less eat it birds of prey and sea like birds racoons snaping turtles sry about speeling hope this helped

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Well, sea turtles eat plants and seat turtles eat meatBest answer:Sharks or tiger sharks eat sea turtles

Will large turtles eat smaller turtles?

Yes, many turtles, especially the carnivorous species such as snapping turtles, will eat smaller turtles.

Do snakes eat turtles?

Most turtles do not eat snakes as most of them are vegetarians. Snakes do not eat turtles either because of their hard shell. However, snapping turtles are omnivores and will gladly eat any snake they can catch in their tough, powerful jaws.

Could pet turtles eat in the dark?

yes turtles can eat in the dark.. that is how they survive... yes turtles can eat in the dark.. that is how they survive...