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The coolness of the solution causes recrystallization. This is because the solute becomes solid at a higher temperature than the solvent.

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Q: What property of a particular solute towards a solvent is necessary for recrystallization to occur?
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What are the desirable properties of a recrystallization solvent?

One property that a solvent should have to be well suited for recrystallization of a particular compound is high solubility. It should also readily dissolve the organic compound at high temperature and precipitate the compound at low temperature.

What is a good solvent for recrystallization of sodium benzoate?

none at all. i tried everything.

Will acetanilide dissolve in hot heptane?

Yes. Heptane is an ideal recrystallization solvent for acetanilide.

What is the disadvantage of having excess solvent during recrystallization?

what is the disadvantage of having excess solvent during recrystalization

What is solvent property?

solvent property is basically talking about mixing the soluble and the solute together to get this solvent

What impurity is removed during the recrystallization process?

Only those impurities can be removed which are soluble in solvent used.

Solvent for recrystallization?

A good solvent for recrystallization depends entirely on the polarity of the solid you're trying to purify. For example sodium chloride readily dissolves in water whereas naphthalene dissolves only in nonpolar solvents like hexane. To select a good solvent first consider the polarity of the compound of interest and pick a solvent that has the potential to dissolve it. Next suspend the solid in that solvent. You must pick another solvent if the solid completely dissolves in the selected solvent. Heat the mixture while stirring. If you reach the boiling point of the solvent and the compound hasn't dissolved, you must find a different solvent or add more of the solvent you are currently using. If your solid completely dissolves without too much of the chosen solvent, you have yourself a good solvent for recrystallization. To continue with the recrystallization simply allow the solvent to cool and your solid should precipitate out in the form of crystals. Put it in an ice bath to assist with the precipitation. The latter technique can lead to small crystals or powder. The best way to remedy this is to do a slow recrystallization. To do this you must use two solvents that will evaporate over a long period of time. One solvent must be very volatile and must be able to easily dissolve your compound at room temp. The other must be less volatile and your compound must be insoluble in this solvent. Note that this solvent must have the potential for dissolving the impurities in your compound. To perform the recrystallization, dissolve your compound in the "good" solvent and then add about the same amount of the "bad" solvent. Over a period of time, the "good" solvent should evaporate leaving your crystallized product in the "bad" solvent without any impurities.

What advantages does water has as a recrystallization solvent?

its cheap, has high temp range of 100 degrees, nonflammable, nontoxic

Explain why during the recrystallization of p-dibromobenzene the turbidity of the hot solution was used as an indicator for the ratio of ethanol to water used?

ethanol alone is not a good solvent for this substance recrystallization and the compound has a very low solubility in hot or cold ethanol and water are mixed together as solvent for crystallization of p-dibromobenzene that is soluble in the hot solvent the turbidity of the hot solution shows the good mixture of ethanol and water as solvent.

Why is it necessary to carry out recrystallization near the boiling point of the solvent?

well if you don't re crystilize near the boiling point you will most certainly loose your solute to the glass ware as vapours. if you recrystalize you will remove and separate the components more effectively.

Why ethanol is the best solvent for recrystallization of urea?

because ethanol dissolve urea at slightly higher temperature and not dissolve the impurities

Why ethanol is used in recrystallization of benzanilide?

The identity of the solvent that is used in recrystallization is very important because only if the correct solvent is used, will the product be purified and recrystallized as desired. The product, benzanilide, is soluble in hot ethanol, but not in cold ethanol. Any impurities that are expected to arise from the reaction are not soluble in hot ethanol and soluble in the cold ethanol, and thus it is the perfect solvent for the recrystallization process, as only benzanilide is soluble in it and when it is cooled only benzanilide will crystallize out, while any impurities will be left behind in the solution.