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Venera 9 [See Link] was a Russian unmanned mission to Venus. It was the first probe to send back images from Venus. It was also the first to send back pictures from the surface of another planet. Venera 10 followed Venera 9 three days later, sending more images of Venus.

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The first spacecraft to observe Venus was Venera 3. It observed Venus in 1962. There were more than one spacecrafts that observed or attempted to observe Venus.

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The first spacecraft to observe Venus was the Venera 3 in 1962.

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The surface of Venus is unobservable due to the thick cloud cover. Some Russian Venera spacecraft have landed there to get a glimpse of the rocky surface, and the entire planet has been mapped by radar.

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Mariner 2 was the only spacecraft that year to visit Venus, it completed a flyby passing within 35 000 km of Venus on December 14th, 1962.