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If the patient is a male, this can be done by a dermatologist or even a general practitioner. If the patient is a female, this should be done by a gynecologist.

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Q: What specialist do you need to go to get rid of genital warts?
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Can you get rid of Genital warts?

Genital warts typically go away on their own. Treatments are available to get rid of them faster.

What is the best genetail wart removal?

The reality is that if you have genital warts, then you will need to have them removed by a doctor. Sorry....there simply aren't any home remedies or do it yourself methods that will get rid of genital warts. There are a lot of websites that would love to have you believe that there is an outright cure for warts of any kind, genital or otherwise. The truth is that once you have warts, you will always have them....what these companies are banking on is the fact that most warts will disappear on their own usually within a couple weeks.

Can you get rid of warts with hand sanitizer?

Hand sanitizer will not get rid of warts.

How do you do you get genital warts?

AnswerThese should not be treated at home or with home remedies that can be too harsh for the tender tissue in the genital area. The best approach is to get to a gynecologist or urologist if you are a woman, or to a urologist if you are a man.A doctor will need to remove need some cream called bozzoca that vorica that gets rid of voricas and wartssee your doctor asapYou can't get rid of the virus but you can have the warts removed.Go to the doctor is the only way.To eliminate the warts there are 2 options; cryotherapy (freeze them off) or have them surgically removed. For pain and itching relief, check for ointments from your local pharmacy or get a script from your doctor for something more potent.Go to the doctor and get medication. Also, ask questions-- genital warts never really go away. You must learn how this STD spreads and be educated about how to protect your sexual partners.There isn't a cure for genital warts so you can't permanently get rid of it. You can get them removed by a doctor and they can be managed with treatment.You will have to go to a doctor to get them removed.Go to the related link (Genital Warts) belowGenerally the warts will need to be removed surgically (various methods).USE TOOTHPASTE IT WORKSAnswerYou can have them removed but they the virus can not be removed from your system. A doctor can freeze them off. ANSWERYou can try Zerowarts cream if you prefer easy and comfortable treatment at home. Other home remedies are ACV, which is equally effective, castor oil, tea tree oil, etc. You can also go and see a doctor and he'll have it frozen off or eliminated by laser.You cannot permanently get rid of genital warts...The only way to remove the warts, especially if they become a problem is to have them either frozen off, cut off by a laser, or simply have them use a super heated wire and have the surgeons go through the warts like a hot knife through butter. After doing that...they will come back after a certain amount of time.Usually the warts are surgically removed.

How do you get rid of human papillomavirus?

You really can't get rid of it once you contract it. It is called a retrovirus because if stays dormant and then reoccurs at different times. It causes warts in the genital region and some forms of it can lead to cancer.

Can you get a plantar wart on your finger?

Plantar warts are, by definition, warts on the bottom of your foot or toes. A wart appearing anywhere else on the body is not a plantar wart, even if it's caused by one of the strains of the human papillomavirus that's generally associated with plantar warts. (If you're asking if it's possible for the virus to spread from a plantar wart to other locations on the body: yes, that's possible. But it wouldn't be CALLED a plantar wart; if it appeared on the palm, for instance, it would be a palmar wart.)

How do you get rid of facial warts?

you freeze 'em. Hold an ice cube or an icepack on your face every day.

Does aloe vera get rid of warts?


How do toads get warts?

Since toads don't cause warts - this is a well-known fact, don't bother thinking otherwise - you don't need to do anything to get rid of warts from toads. No need to remove what you haven't got. You might still have warts though, only you've gotten them from someplace else. Usually another human. It's easy to get rid of warts. There are both OTC methods that work rather well, and there are things doctors can do to remove warts. Check out the related question "how to remove warts".

How can get rid of warts?

They sell freezing agents at your local wallmart or target but if it is severe consult a doctor it may need to be cut out

Can rubbing alcohol kill warts?

NO! But, you can try using a pummis rock and shaving it down then putting athletes foot cream on it. Because of the tolnaftate that is in it it will kill the surface of the wart. The root of the wart should be burned by appling calus remover because it has 17% of a special acid. Ask your doctor about this acid they will tell you. Then whe you are at the root and applied the acid you will be good in a week. And when cleaning the wart use rubbing alcohol, soap and water, then rubbing alcohol again. It worked for me now j hope it works for you.

Are warts attractive?

no, they make people disgusted GET RID OF EM!