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In astronomy, it is a word denoting a star that from a given observer's latitude does not go below the horizon. For instance, no matter what time of year it is, if I go out on a clear night in Britain I can always see the stars of the plough (big dipper), they are circumpolar. However I can only see Orion in winter, it is not circumpolar.

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13y ago

There are no "circumpolar" satellites. There are POLAR satellites, which pass over the north pole and south pole each orbit.

The word "circumpolar" means "circling the poles", and is normally used to refer to stars that are not too far from Polaris, so that the seem to go in circles around Polaris as the Earth turns.

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10y ago

stars that do not rise or set, but rather circle closely around polaris

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No there are no circumpolar constellations on the equator.

How many constellations are circumpolar?

There's no answer to this question, because the definition of circumpolar depends on where you are. If you're at the pole, all the constellations you can see are circumpolar. If you're on the equator, there are no circumpolar constellations.

What is a circumpolar current?

A circumpolar current is a type of current that can be found in the Antarctic region. A circumpolar current moves in a clockwise rotation.

When is a circumpolar constellation visible?

"Circumpolar" means it is always above the horizon.

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gemini is not circumpolar. the circumpolar constellations for the northern hemisphere are Cassiopeia. Ursa Minor, Draco, Cepheus, and Ursa Major.

What is special about circumpolar stars?

A circumpolar star never sets below your horizon.

When was Inuit Circumpolar Council created?

Inuit Circumpolar Council was created in 1977.

If you were standing on the north pole how many circumpolar stars would you see?

All stars are circumpolar

When was Circumpolar Health Bibliographic Database created?

Circumpolar Health Bibliographic Database was created in 2007.

When was International Journal of Circumpolar Health created?

International Journal of Circumpolar Health was created in 1997.

Where would you see the least number of circumpolar stars?

At the equator, you will see no circumpolar stars.

What is circumpolar motion?

Circumpolar motion refers to the motion of the stars relative to the viewer in a particular spot. Stars that are said to be circumpolar never cross the horizon as they cross the sky for the viewer.