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Should there be official prayers said in schools? Should the state subsidize religion? Should the state enforce religious values?

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No matter what country or what church the conflict always is a result of each wanting power and control

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Q: What were some conflicts between church and state?
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What are conflicts?

Are some disagreements between a person and another person. =D

What were the conficts of the Middle Ages?

There were different types of conflicts during the Middle Ages. There were many wars. These were incessant, and there were so many we cannot possibly have records of all of them. There were fights between countries, and fights within countries. There were conflicts within the Church, eventually splitting the Roman Catholic Church from the Orthodox Church. In addition, opposition to Rome began early, even in the West, and continued, with the central Church claiming those who disagreed with it to be heretics. There were times when there were people claiming to be Pope in Rome at the same time someone else was claiming to be Pope somewhere else. There were conflicts between Christian Europe and the neighbors of other religions, such as the Crusades against Islam, the Crusades of the Teutonic Knights, and conflicts with pagans in the north. There was probably not a year that passed by without some war.

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Some eternal conflicts of man include the struggle between good and evil, the battle between desires and responsibilities, and the tension between freedom and security. These conflicts have been prevalent throughout history and continue to shape human experiences and decisions.

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There are some conflicts in the summer holidays between the two girls through the conflicts, the readers can be very clear of what a girl the protagonist is. Actually, the conflict between Piquette( the mirror ethnic people) and the whole society the conflict between the loon( the symbol of the fast changing modern world, these two conflicts buried in the plots and the theme of the whole novel are the real conflicts in it.

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Some of the external conflicts in "The Pigman" include Mr. Pignati's struggle with loneliness and isolation, the teenagers' conflicts with their parents and with authority figures, and the ongoing tension between Lorraine and John's families. Additionally, the teenagers' interactions with their peers at school also create external conflicts in the story.

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There are no conflicts in Switzerland.

How did Christianity affect history?

It did shine as a light through the dark ages and made civilisation progress. For better or worse, it did end paganism, but the persecution was aimed at Christians and not all persecution came from them. it was the cause as such of some religious wars, but its overall message is peace. the conflict between the church and state was there, but simply because the church popes were heretical and the state was mainly supporting the convicted 'heretics' who were actually good Christians.

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Some minor conflicts in "Lord of the Flies" include disagreements over who should lead the group, tensions between the littluns and biguns, and arguments over the importance of maintaining the signal fire. These conflicts contribute to the overall breakdown of order and morality on the island.

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What are some differences between a church and a cult?

A cult that is big enough to have political power is called a church.