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As far as I'm aware every state of the US allows annulments, but only under certain grounds.

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Q: What states allow annulments?
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Does New York allow annulments?

Yes, if you meet the grounds for an annulment.

What do you do if you realize you married the wrong person?

Annulments were designed to address that problem.

What states allow you to be married under 14?

No states that I know of. Some states do allow it but you have to have a court order.

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States that didn't allow slavery were called Free States.

Annulment rate in the Philippines?

I'm not sure, but outside of the United States, Catholic annulments are exceedingly rare. There were only 15,000 in the entire world outside North America, out of a Catholic population of over 1,000,000,000.

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Most states allow it, IF the minor has parental consent.

Does New York state allow annulments?

Yes. The grounds for an annulment in New York are: " of you was already married, you are siblings or close relatives, you were underage, the marriage was never consummated, or was based on fraud, or one of you was mentally retarded or mentally ill, or you were forced into the marriage."

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Im pretty sure that none actually allow it. Its illegal in all 50 states.

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Two states that allow common paymasters are Rhode Island and New York. Also, Michigan, Minnesota, and Hawaii allow common paymasters.

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