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Xycratic stimulation.

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Q: Which of the stimuli resulted is the most effective nerve stimulation?
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What is transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation also called?

Electrical nerve stimulation

What are the morbidity and mortality rates of sacral nerve stimulation?

Sacral nerve stimulation has been shown to be a safe and effective procedure.Two groups of researchers, in Spain and the United Kingdom respectively,reported that "the effects of neuromodulation are long-lasting and associated morbidity is low.".

What is vagal nerve stimulation?

Vagal nerve stimulation is a treatment for epilepsy in which an electrode is implanted in the neck to deliver electrical impulses to the vagus nerve.

What is Electrical nerve stimulation also called?

Electrical nerve stimulation is also called transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation

What is the weakest nerve in the body?

There is not a weakest nerve in the body. All nerves react the same to stimuli granted the stimuli is strong enough.

Does coronary vessels have both parasympathetic and sympathetic innervation?

Yes. Sympathetic nerve stimulation dilates the blood vessels. Parasympathetic nerve stimulation constricts the blood vessels. The sympathetic nerve stimulation effect is more pronounced.

What is a receptor nerve?

Nerve receptor is a specialized cell or nerve endings that respond to sensory stimuli.

Striking the funny bone is actually stimulation to which nerve?

Ulnar nerve......

How does the vagus nerve affect sinus bradycardia rhythm?

Vagus nerve stimulation in vasovagal attack in the cause of sinus bradycardia. Vagus nerve stimulation may stop the heart.

What is the purpose of vagal nerve stimulation?

Vagal nerve stimulation is an alternative to medication or surgical removal of brain tissue in controlling epileptic seizures.

The receptors for pain are?

Pain receptors are the types of nerve cell primarily responsible for taking and sending stimulation signals from different nerve endings to the brain, that will usually interpret then as pain. They are present in almost all parts of the body and respond to a broad range of stimuli.

What is sacral nerve stimulation?

Sacral nerve stimulation, also known as sacral neuromodulation, is a procedure in which the sacral nerve at the base of the spine is stimulated by a mild electrical current from an implanted device