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cross the river and attack

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Q: What stradagy did the north use to win the battle of stone river?
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What did the confederates call the battle of stone's river?


When was the battle of stone's river?

December 31 1862 - January 2 1863

What were the number of casualties in the US Civil War Battle of Stones River?

The Battle of Stone's River took place Tennessee. The battle created a huge number of casualties, numbering almost 24,000 troops.

Why did the US Civil War Battle of Stone's River take place?

The US Civil War battle of Stone's River was the result of Confederate Braxton Bragg's attempt to push back the Union army of General Rosencrans. The battle was lost by the South after a fierce artillery barrage. Bragg was forced to retreat.

What battle was fought in North Dakota?

The Battle of Dead Buffalo Lake. The Battle of Stony Lake. The Battle of Big Mound. The Battle of White Stone Hill. The Battle of Killdeer Mountain.

Why did the confederacy win the battle of stone river?

They probably won because it was on their turf and they had good tacticians WRONG!

Why was it a strategic failure when the Confederacy won the Battle of Stone's River?

Because they ended up retreating anyway.

What river borders the state of North Dakota?

For most of the border, it is the Red River (Red River of the North) which flows north from southern North Dakota into Lake Winnipeg in Canada. The southern section of the border is the Bois de Sioux River, a tributary of the Red River.

How long did the battle of Stone River last?

The battle of Stones River was fought December 31,1862 to January 2,1863. It lasted three days and the Confederacy won. The battle of Stones River was fought December 31,1862 to January 2,1863. It lasted three days and the Confederacy won. The battle of Stones River was fought December 31,1862 to January 2,1863. It lasted three days and the Confederacy won.

What was Andy Goldsworthys sculpture The Stone River made from?

stone it says in the title "the STONE river"

In newzealand where is green stone found?

in river beds near bulls in North Isalnd. Also in the pumkin patches.

Who was the general of the confederacy in the Battle of Stone's River?

General Braxton Bragg. Bragg, as usual, managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.