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He went to war with France.

He went through loop holes and enticed war with Austria. He then made Austria help Prussia take over Schelswig and Holstein so that Prussia would look like a better country to take the lead as a United Germany but in doing so kicking out Austria in the 7 Weeks war and paying them off.

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Q: What strategy did Otto von Bismarck use to try to make Prussia the leader of a united Germany?
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What strategy did otto won Bismarck use to make prussia the leader of a united Germany?

Otto von Bismarck relied heavily on his military prowess to bring about a unified Germany as minister of Prussia. He was skilled at strategy and knowing what would encourage his people, and used those skills to push the citizens of Prussia and the other German nation states to want unification.

Who was the leader of unification of Germany?

The leader and architect of Germany's unification was Otto von Bismarck.

What leader expanded the kingdom of Prussia in the 1860s?

In the 19th century that was Prussia's Chancellor Otto von Bismarck.

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Which German state took the lead in German unification?

PRUSSIA is the answer you are looking for, but does not exactly fit the requirements of the question asked.Prussia was only the second-most powerful German State, but was effective in leading the unification movement by diplomatically and militarily side-stepping the more powerful Austria, which was the most powerful German State. Otto von Bismarck, Chancellor of Prussia, calculated that in order for Prussia to be the leader of a united Germany, Austria needed to be kept out and Bismarck had Prussia fight a war against the Austrians in 1866 in order to weaken the Austrian position,

Who was Germany's leader when it first became a nation?

The first Chancellor of Germany was Otto von Bismarck (1871-1890).

Who was Bismarck what was his greatest accomplishment and how did he achieve it?

Bismarck was the first leader of all of Germany 1871-90. He united the German city states to form the country of Germany. He did this by going to war with spain. Bismarck was a citizen of Bavaria 1815-98.

Who the Leader of the Kingdom of Prussia?

In 1862 king wilhelm Iappointed Otto von bis marck as prime Minister of prus

Who was the leader of the Germans during ww1?

At the outbreak of WW1 the German Chancellor was Theobald von Bethmann-Hollweg. See the Related Link for "WW1: Bethmann-Hollweg" to the right for more detail.

Who was the Prussian leader of the late 1800's who helped unite Germany?

Otto Von Bismarck

What did Otto von Bismarck do to achieve his goal of drawing smaller German states to Prussia's side?

The key concept behind Bismark's successes in regards to the Unification of Germany is nationalism. Bismark was a very strong, influencial leader who won many battles to gain land and power for Germany. As more and more battles were won, the pride in Germany flourished and states became united in order to gain power and make Germany an even more powerful world leader.

Why do some historians say that one of the main causes for the success of the Nazi Party in Germany was the influence that Bismarck had with Germany when he was the leader?

Some historians attribute the success of the Nazi Party in Germany to Bismark because of the structures that he laid when he was the leader.