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Hi my name is Rachel you know why cause im cool like that.

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Q: What studies do you have to have if you would like to become a pro soccer player?
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Why would someone want to become a pro soccer player?

Because if you love soccer and are good at it so you can be whatever you want

Do soccer players need education?

Yes, you need to have education to be a soccer player because the leaders of the soccer teams would not only take you and play with just because your good, no they would see if you have education to take you and become a professional soccer player.

What type of college you would attend to become a soccer player?

any school in the far the best conference for soccer and most sports in general

Will you need a job if you become a professional soccer player?

no because you would get loads of money from playing football

What would an avid soccer player be most likely to do?

An avid soccer player would be most likely to play soccer.

How can you be a soccer player?

if you would like to be a soccer player you would have to go your local rec. dept. and sign up for a team

How would an aspiring young soccer player manage their life?

The term is Footballer not soccer player.

How can you become a professional footballer or soccer player?

To become a professional football player you must enter the NFL (National Football League). To join you would have to talk to the comissioner of the NFL. Then if he accepts you will be in the free agency pool and you would be waiting for a team to sign you.

Why would you like to be a soccer player?

I would like to be a soccer player because I will make money while playing my favorite sport. ?@.<tQQtav>.@?

How do you become professnional soccer player?

you join a local team and get scouted then you would get a trial with a proffesional team and decided wheter you'd be signed or not

Can you go to college and play soccer to become a pro but not do well in your classes?

Yes, but you would have to be an excellent player and it wouldn't hurt to try at your grades.

Which famous soccer player that if he would play for the US soccer team then he would take it to the top?

david beckham