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the d subshells

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sublevel d of levels 3,4,5 & 6

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Q: What sublevel are filling across the Transition Elements?
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What are filling across the transition elements?

the d subshells

What are semiametals?

As we look across the periodic table from left to right, we see metals on the left, transition metals through the middle and nonmetals on the right. What we left out was that group of elements between the transition metals and the nonmetals, and these semimetals are called metalloids.Metaloids have properties that are in between those of transition metals and nonmetals, or perhaps properties that are some combination of those of transition metals and nonmetals. The elements in this group include boron, silicon, germanium, arsenic, antimony and tellurium.

What is the difference between the representative elements and the transition elements?

The elements in group 1 and 2 are the representative elements. Groups 3 through 12 are the transition elements. Transition elements are all metals and are found less noticably than they do across a period of representative elements. representative elements are always found in nature combined with other elements, they are all metals except for hydrogen.

What sublevels are filling across the transitional metal?


What sentence is most clearly missing a transition?

A transition sentence is a sentence that is very obvious to the writer. It is important to have transition sentences so that your readers will know exactly what you are trying to get across.

What do the rows in a periodic table group together?

The rows on the periodic table correspond to the highest energy level being filled by the elements in that row (period). For example, in period 3, the elements are filling their valence shell in the 3rd energy level from left to right across the period, from 3s1 in sodium to 3s23p6 in argon.

Across the periodic table the properties of elements become WHAT?

across a periodic table, the properties of elements become less metallic and more nonmetallic

What is the difference between cross filing and draw filing?

Cross filling is made across the surface to be filed from tip to handle, which gives a smoother cut. Draw filling on the other hand, is done across the surface by moving from one edge of the file to the other.

Properties of elements change according to a pattern across the?

Groups of the Periodic Table of Elements.

How does metallic of the elements vary across a period?

Across a period, the metallic character decreases.

How do elements change from left to right across a period of the periodic?

The elements of the Periodic Table increase in atomic number as you move across and down. This indicates more protons, and a larger atomic nucleus. The number of electron shells increases as well, with elements with filled valence shells at the right (noble gases). Also, generally elements become less reactive as it moves from the left to the right.As elements go from left to right across the periodic table, each element has one more proton and one more electron than the element to its immediate left. This affects valance (or outer shell) electrons. The column on the extreme left has just one valance electron, then the next column has two, the next has three. There isn't a smooth, uninterrupted progression from one valance electron to eight, on the far right, because the transition state elements, which are all metals, intrude into the sequence (this happens because some atoms have incomplete inner electron shells, rather than filling each shell before starting the next shell). But aside from that complication, elements go from metals on the left to nonmetals on the right, ending up with the noble gas elements on the extreme right.

How do elements change from left to right across period of the periodic table?

The elements of the Periodic Table increase in atomic number as you move across and down. This indicates more protons, and a larger atomic nucleus. The number of electron shells increases as well, with elements with filled valence shells at the right (noble gases). Also, generally elements become less reactive as it moves from the left to the right.As elements go from left to right across the periodic table, each element has one more proton and one more electron than the element to its immediate left. This affects valance (or outer shell) electrons. The column on the extreme left has just one valance electron, then the next column has two, the next has three. There isn't a smooth, uninterrupted progression from one valance electron to eight, on the far right, because the transition state elements, which are all metals, intrude into the sequence (this happens because some atoms have incomplete inner electron shells, rather than filling each shell before starting the next shell). But aside from that complication, elements go from metals on the left to nonmetals on the right, ending up with the noble gas elements on the extreme right.