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acids! Below the ph of 7.

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an acid

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Q: What substance releases positive hydrogen ions in water?
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What is a substance that releases hydrogen ions when mixed with water?

An acid.

A substance that releases hydrogen ions in water is a base yes or no?

Electrolytes that release ions that combine with hydrogen atoms are called bases.

What makes acid acidic?

An acid is a substance that releases hydrogen ions, H+, in an aqueous (water) solution, or a substance that gives up a hydrogen ion to another molecule or ion depending on which definition you use.

What substance that releases hydroxide ions into water?

a substance that release hydroxide ions in water?

What is a substance that releases hydroxyl ions when dissolved in water?

This substance is a base.

What is a substance that releases hydroxyl ions in a water?

A substance that releases hydroxyl ions in water is a base. Bases are substances which in water, becomes slippery, has a bitter taste, changes indicator color, forms salts with acids and promotes base catalysis. Alkaline earth materials is an example of a base.

What kind of substance is an acid that contains hydrogen like nitric and hydrochloric acid?

an acid is any substance that releases hydrogen ions(in other words,single protons)when added to water. the widely accepted definition is simply:"any substance that can donate a protone." inversely, a base is defined as:" any substance that absorb a proton.

What releases a hydrogen ion when it dissolves in water?

Releasing a hydrogen ion when one formula unit of a substance dissolves in water is the traditional characteristic of an "acid".

What substance do you get when you burn hydrogen?


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What type of ions do acids form?

An acid is a substance that turns litmus paper into red. It is a proton donor and releases hydrogen positive ions or H+.

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