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free radical

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Q: What substance that is produced when oxygen reacts with body compounds and forms a very unstable molecule that is missing an electron?
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Which high-energy molecule and electron carrier are produced by the light reaction of photosynthesis?

NADPH and ATP are produced by the light reactions. The ATP is a high energy molecule produced by photophosphorylation while the NADPH is produced at the end of the electron transport chain.

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How many ATP molecules are produced from one glucose molecule during the electron transport?


How many total atps are produced at the end of the electron transport chain?

Depending on what molecule was used to pass the electron, the number varies from 32 to 34.

How many ATP molecules are produced from one glucose molecule during the electron transport chain?


How is a carbon dioxide molecule produced in a hepatocyte?

Carbon dioxide molecules produced in heptaocyte occur from the molecule's main electron valance functions, as the spinning of the positive and negative forces combine to produce the carbon dioxide.

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All organic compounds are made of amino acids

What is the substance produced when metal is burned?

It depends upon the subsance being burned. Normally, the substance would end being some sort of oxide (O2 molecule being attached to the base molecule of what is being burned).

How many ATP molecules are produced when 1 molecule of glucose is converted into 2 molecules of lactic acid?

34 ATP molecules are produced by the end of the electron transport chain.

Is cyclohexone a pure substance?

Cyclohexane (or cyclohexanone, if that is what you meant) is usually found as a pure substance, and is produced industrially as such. It consists of a single molecule. However, cyclohexane can be impure if it is tainted or something is added to it.

What is mass produced in the electron transport chain?

In the electron transport chain, the main product that is mass produced is adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is a high-energy molecule that serves as the primary source of cellular energy. It is generated by the electron transport chain through a series of redox reactions involving the transfer of electrons from electron donors to electron acceptors, ultimately resulting in the production of ATP.