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The body mostly needs fats which are used to produce energy. The body also needs water which is used for cooling and other important functions.

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13y ago

Oxygen and glucose are needed so that cells can respire and produce energy in the form of ATP. These substances are carried in the blood.

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3y ago

Oxygen and glucose are needed so that cells can respire and produce energy in the form of ATP. These substances are carried in the blood.

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Q: What substances does the body need when exercising?
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exercising does change some chemicals in your body. every body is different so hormone change is possible.

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Your body has to get rid of URINE because its contains poisonous substances which can cause problems to your kidney.

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To compensate for the body requiring more oxygen because of exercising

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Exercising causes the body to sweat and remove toxins through skin pores. This is why people take showers after exercising.

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It depends on the situation.If you have been up all day, then exercising at night will prove to be ineffective.If you have been sleeping all day, and you woke up at night, then exercising at night is just as effective as exercising in the daytime.The reason being is because you need to get sleep, and without sleep, your body can't rest, and exercising won't prove to be effective without at least 8-12 hours of sleep.However, exercising at night is no different than exercising in the daytime if you have the right conditions.

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The LIVER makes new substances for your body

Why do you need soap or toothpaste?

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