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DOVES are perhaps the most widely recognized symbols of peace, but there are numbers of things that also symbolize peace

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Q: The branch of which tree is used as a symbol of peace?
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What does the peaces symbol mean?

A peace symbol is a representation or object that has come to symbolize peace. Several different symbols have been used throughout history, of which the dove, olive branch, and the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament symbol (The peace symbol) are perhaps the best known.

Why is the eagle's head turned to his right?

The eagle holds an olive branch because it sybolizes peace.

What is the animal symbolizing gentleness?

The dove is a commonly used peace symbol that dates back to early christian times. Early christians used the dove (typically with an olive branch in its beak) as a symbol of peace and a reference to the dove that Noah released from the Ark during the story of the Great Flood.

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Why was the dove with olive branch used for?

The dove with the olive branch is used as a sign of peace. --Swaroop Atnoorkar, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

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wood from a tree branch.

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Is the swastica a symbol of peace?

actually, you could say that because the native Americans used the symbol in weaved rugs and sand painting's. they it is a symbol of freedom. yet to many who don't know that it can be mistaken for a Nazi symbol which you can tell that that's not a symbol of peace Sort of its traditionally a Indian symbol representing peace however the Nazi version is tilted 45 degrees so half and half realy

What was the original meaning of the swatchka?

the answer is........Hindu people used this symbol before Hitler and the holcaust. The symbol to them means good luck and peace.

What are some birds that begin with the letter D and is often used in a symbol of peace?

a dove

Is the swastika a symbol of a god?

It used to mean peace before the Nazi's began to use it.

Why are their knots in natural wood?

After a tree is processed the area a branch used to be is turned into a knot