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radial symmetry has repeating body parts from the center

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Q: Type of symmetry in which body parts are mirror images of each other?
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A type of symmetry in which body parts are mirror images of each other?

Bilateral Symmetry

Describe the different types of symmentery?

The different types of symmetry are rotational symmetry whereby the various object parts are related by rotation angles, and reflectional symmetry where halves of the object form the mirror images.

What is the line that divides a figure into two matching parts?

It is a line of symmetry.

What is the axis symmetry of a letter?

A line that divides the letter so that the 2 halves are mirror images. Ex. The letter V ... A vertical line thru the bottom makes 2 parts that are mirror images, so that vertical line is the axis of symmetry. But.. A Capital E would not have a vertical axis of symmetry. Capital E would have a horizontal line splitting thru the middle line as its axis of symmetry.

What parts of the body are bilateral?

In bilateral symmetry (also called plane symmetry), only one plane, called the sagittal plane, will divide an organism into roughly mirror image halves (with respect to external appearance only, see situs solitus). Thus there is approximate reflection symmetry. Often the two halves can meaningfully be referred to as the right and left halves, e.g. in the case of an animal with a main direction of motion in the plane of symmetry.

What body parts match up as mirror images when they are folded over?

Bi-lateral symmetry is the fancy name given to this. Centipedes do it better than we, for they have more legs to match up.

What are characteristics of radial symmetry?

Radial symmetry is the arrangement of equal parts (legs, spines, etc.) in a balanced way around a central body.

What is it called when body parts are matched up as mirror images?

it is called reflections

What type of symmetry do mammals posses?

Bilaterial symmetry. The animal has a symmetrical shape and position of its parts. If split in half, each half of the animal will be mirror images of the other half. For example, you have two arms and legs at the same positions but on opposite sides from the center of your body and the same for two ears, two eyes, even two nasals in your nose which is located about center of your body.

What type of symmetry do cnidara have?

radial symmetry which means that all the parts of the body are arranged around a central axis in such a way that any plane passing through the central axis divides the animal in halves that are almost mirror image of each other

How do you define actinomorphic flower?

The actinomorphic flower is basically a floral symmetry that describes how a given flower can be divided into mirror image parts.

What are horizontal and vertical lines of symmetry?

A line which divides a body into two parts, such that each part is the mirror image of the others, then the line is called a line of symmetry. If such a line is parallel to the horizontal plane, then it is called a horizontal line of symmetry. Else, if the line of symmetry is perpendicular to the horizontal plane then it is a vertical line of symmetry.