

What system does bacteria affect?

Updated: 11/10/2022
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13y ago

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bacteria can affect any body system, it just depends on what type of bacteria it is.

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Q: What system does bacteria affect?
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If the bacteria gets into the circulatory system, a systemic infection/systemic disease can occur. Systemic infections affect more than just one part of the body; they affect multiple organs or multiple body parts, as the bacteria travels in the blood which flows to all organs in the body. With systemic infections, IV antibiotics are almost always needed.

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bad bacteria can get you sick and ruin your immune system....and good bacteria helps protect you from the bad bacteria trying to ruin your immune system!!!

How does bacteria affect the society?

IT hurts you

How does bacteria affect human health?

Some bacteria are beneficial to humans, and some bacteria are harmful to humans.

A chemical that harms prokaryotic cells would only affect fungi plants animelia bacteria?

it would only affect bacteria

Does temperature affect bacteria?

bacteria multiply s and grows quicker when warmer

Who does botulism affect?

Botulism can affect anyone that eats food containing the bacteria.

How does bacteria outsmart your immune system?

bacteria outsmart the immune system by imitating other cells.