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The urinary system both makes urine and sends it out of the body. The main avenue for the elimination of urine from the body is the the urethra.

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Q: What system moves waste out of the human body?
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What system in the human body moves the nutrients into cells and waste out of cells?

Circulatory and excretory depends on the cells XD

What is the main function of the human digestive system?

The human digestive system is a bunch of organs that turns food into essential nutrients that are absorbed into the body. It also moves the unused waste material out of the body.

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What system in the human body moves the body?

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What are 2 human body systems?

There are many human body systems. A few of them are the liquid waste excretory system, solid waste excretory system, skeletal system, muscular system and the digestive system.

What system moves the body?

The human body system that is responsible for moving the body is the musculoskeletal system. It involves the muscular system and skeletal system.

Which human body system is responsible for getting the waste to the kidneys?

The renal arteries of the cardiovascular system delivers waste to the kidneys.

How do you cleanse waste from your body?

The human body has a system of getting rid of (eliminating) what it does not need in two ways. After food is eaten and digested, it moves through the body and what is not needed comes out when you go to the bathroom. Liquid waste is called urine ("pee" in slang) and solid waste is called feces ("poop" or "poo" in slang).

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System that removes solid and liquid wastes?

in the human body, it is the excretory system!

What three human body systems remove waste?

The waste removal system, or excretory system,gastrointestinal tract, (GI tract.)