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Q: What system protect the spinal corded and supports the head and back?
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What system is the vertebrae a part of?

the skeletal system. the spinal column is made up of bones that protect the spinal cord called vertebrae

What system protects the spinal cord and supports the head and body?

The spine.

Is the spinal cord and brain apart of which nervous system?

Is the spinal cord encased in bone to protect it

What system is the vertebra part of?

the skeletal system. the spinal column is made up of bones that protect the spinal cord called vertebrae

How does the spine protect the nervous system?

because it encases the spinal cord

What body cavity protect the spinal column?

The dorsal cavity is located in the skull and within the spinal column. It is divided into the cranial and spinal cavities, which protect the nervous system.

What protects the spinal cord and supports the head and the back?

The human body is made up of various tendons, muscles, and bones that all serve a different function. The head and back are supported by the spinal column which is covered by vertebrae that run from your tail to your neck.

Which Organs System Supports The Body?

The. Skeleton. System. Supports. The. Body

What does the skull and vertebrae protect?

The central nervous system: the brain and spinal cord.

What bones protect the nervous system?

The small bones that protect the nerve cord are the vertebrae.

What are our main bones in your body?

All the bones are important in our body. Each protect one or the different parts in our body, like skull protects the brain; ribs protect lungs; and it is not always about protection, but also about supporting system, like the spine supports and protects the spinal cord.

What is a system that protects a supports the human body?

The skeletal, (or musculoskeletal) system supports the body. Parts of it, such as the rib cage also serve to protect vital organs.