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If you define a "year" for a planet as the length of time for it to make one revolution around the sun (the sidereal period) the "years" for the two planets are:

Mercury 0.241 earth year (88.0 days)

Venus 0.615 earth year (225 days)

... so Venus has a longer "year" than Mercury.

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Q: What takes longer one year in venus or mercuty?
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How many years on earth is 1 year on venus?

A year on Venus is 224 Earth days and a day is 243 Earth days. This answer isn't bad, but remember the Solar day is "only" about 117 Earth days on Venus. I like the Solar day. It takes Venus about 243 Earth days to rotate once and that's what is called a Sidereal day.

How many days are there in Venus in 1 year?

The rotational period of Venus is not the same as its solar day. It takes about 243 Earth days for Venus to make one slow spin, and it is in the opposite (retrograde) direction from its orbit. It can be said to spin clockwise, or east to west.At the same time, it takes only 224.7 Earth days for Venus to orbit the Sun (its year). So the "day" on Venus is actually longer than the year!(1 Venus year = 0.925 Venus sidereal day)HoweverThe result of these two motions produces a "solar day" (sunrise to sunrise) of about 116.75 Earth days on the planet, although obviously the sunrise cannot be seen from the surface.(1 Venus year = 1.92 solar days)

How many days does it take venus to orbit around sun?

Comparisons of the two planets' rotations, however, illustrate a key difference. Venus rotates on its axis in a direction opposite that of the Earth and the other planets of our solar system and takes 243 Earth-days for a complete rotation. One revolution around the Sun for Venus takes 225 Earth days. Because Venus takes longer to rotate on its own axis than to complete a journey around the Sun, one day on Venus is slightly longer than one year there!

How long is a Venus day compared to a Venus year?

A year on Venus is how long it takes for the planet to fully orbit the sun once. A day is how long it takes the planet to completely rotate once, ie, turn all the way around. Venus rotates very slowly, and by the time it has turned one full circle, the planet has already gone all the way around the sun.

How many earth days will make a venus day?

There are 243 Earth days for a Venus day - but a Venus year is just under 225 Earth days. Therefore - a day on Venus is longer than a year !

Related questions

A day on is longer than the planet's year?

On the planet Venus - it takes longer for Venus to make one rotation than it does for it to go around the sun once, so Venus' day is LONGER than it's year. Imagine that?

What is Venus's rotation?

It takes it 243 Earth days for 1 rotation! That is longer than its year!

Does Venus's have day and night?

Venus does not spin on it's axis as fast as the earth does. It takes Venus 243 days to do one complete revolution. A day on Venus is longer than it's year.

Why do planets have different numbers of days in their years?

Well, basically different planets take longer to orbit the Sun. For example, Jupiter takes longer to orbit than earth, so Jupiter has a longer year. On Venus, a day lasts longer than a year as it takes longer to spin on its axis that to orbit the sun.

Is a year longer or shorter on Venus?

Shorter because its orbit is smaller and its takes less time to complete its round around sun

How long are venus's days and years?

One interesting fact about Venus is that a day on Venus is actually longer than a year on Venus. A Venusian day lasts 243 days, and a year is 224 days. That means that the day on Venus is 19 days longer than the year.

Which planet has a longer day then year?


Can a planets day be longer then its year?

Yes. In fact, Venus has a longer day than its year.

How long is Venus year?

Venus rotates VERY slowly. Each day on Venus takes 243 Earth days. A year on Venus takes 224.7 Earth days. It takes 224.7 Earth days for Venus to orbit the sun once. The same side of Venus always faces Earth when the Earth and Venus are closest together.

Which planet takes less than a year to revolve round the sun?

Mercury and Venus. Venus is the planet which takes less then a year to orbit the sun, it takes 224.7 earth days.

How many years on earth is 1 year on venus?

A year on Venus is 224 Earth days and a day is 243 Earth days. This answer isn't bad, but remember the Solar day is "only" about 117 Earth days on Venus. I like the Solar day. It takes Venus about 243 Earth days to rotate once and that's what is called a Sidereal day.

A day is longer than a year on this planet?
