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Earl Grey

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Q: What tea did the English drink?
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What is traditional English drink?


What do English people in their spare time?

Drink tea in there castle's

How do you drink English tea?

You drink tea from a cup. you pick up your cup. and bring it to your mouth. and sip. there you go! why did you ask this?

What is English tea as a verb?

Your question makes little sense. "English tea" is a adjective-noun combination that creates more specificity for the noun (tea) by giving it a state or character (English). There are a number of things one can do with English tea, such as drink it, pour it, mix it, press it, and so forth, but "I English tea-ed you" is not a valid sentence because "English tea" is not a verb.

Can they drink tea?

no they cannot drink tea.

Which letter from alphabet can you drink?

T : tea a drink

What do they drink at Chinese New Year?

They would drink tea hi! They would drink tea hi!

Can I drink tea after yoga?

Yes, you can drink tea after your Yoga sessions.

Is ice tea a soft drink?

Ice tea is a soft drink.

Is tea a verb?

No, it is not a verb. Tea is a noun, a drink, or an occasion to drink it.

What herbal tea can you drink for energy?

you can drink tea with natural ginseng

Are you just supposed to drink tea on Sunday?

You can drink tea at any time.