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Food should be hot held at 135 F for no more than 4 hours. Food should be reheated to 165 F for at least 15 seconds before the 4 hour point is reached.

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14y ago

The best temperature to keep hot foods hot is 165 or over. Keep cold foods cold too. This will make sure foods are kept safe to eat.

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Q: What temperature should hot foods be kept at?
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What temperature should hot foods be stored at?

You should keep hot foods hot and cold foods cold. The temperature to keep bacteria out of hot foods is 160 degrees and above. Cold foods should be kept at 40 degrees or below.

What should cold food be kept at?

Cold food should be kept at 40 degrees or lower. Keep hot foods hot. This will insure safe food to eat.

What is the proper temperature to hold hot foods?

When kept in the refrigerator, a temperature at or below 40° F (4° C) is required.

How often should you check the temperature on foods cold or hot?

Every 4 hour

What is the minimum temperature for transporting hot food and hot holding food items?

The minimum temperature for transporting hot foods is 135 degrees Fahrenheit. Temperatures should be checked regularly.

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Foods should not stay in room temperature for long. Bacteria can grow on foods left in this danger zone in an hours time. Keep hot foods hot and cold foods cold.

At what temperature should cold food be maintanied?

Generally, potentially hazardous foods should be stores at 40°F or below. Vacuum-packaged foods that require refrigeration should be stored at 38°F or below, due to concerns about Clostridium botulinum.

What is the temperature for buffet?

Hot foods should be held at a temperature of at least 140 degrees F. Cold foods (salads, sandwich spreads, dairy and mayo based) should be held at 40 degrees F or lower.

How do you preserve collectables?

Different collectibles need to be kept in different ways. Generally, they should be kept in a dry location with a warm but not hot temperature. They should be kept free of dust, and possibly covered with plastic, unless contact would damage them.

Is it ok to eat cooked roast pork if unrefrigerated for 5 hours?

Probably not - hot foods should be either kept hot or placed in the refrigerator within 2 hours of cooking.

How Hot should water temperature be in a hot tub?

The temperature should NOT EXCEED 104oF.

How long can hamburger mat be out of the refrigerator?

Food left out of the refrigerator is okay to eat for about 2 hours. If the temperature is under 80 degrees. The longer a food stays in the danger zone the more risk you take eating that food. Foods should either be kept hot or kept cold before eating to be really safe.