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The following tests are performed before the blood transfusion.

1. Hepatitus B

2. Hepatitus C

3. HIV

4. Treponima pallaidum (Symphillus)

5. Malarial Parasite

6. Creutz feldt Jacob disease or Mad cow disease

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In a blood transfusion, donated blood is added to your own blood. A blood transfusion may also be done to supplement various components of your blood with donated blood products. In rare cases, a blood transfusion is done with blood that you've donated ahead of time before you undergo surgery. During a typical blood transfusion, certain parts of blood are delivered through an intravenous (IV) line that's placed in one of the veins in your arm. A blood transfusion usually takes one to two hours, though in an emergency it can be done much faster. A blood transfusion boosts blood levels that are low, either because your body isn't making enough or because blood has been lost during surgery, injury or disease. Your blood will be tested before a transfusion to determine whether your blood type is A, B, AB or O and whether your blood is Rh positive or Rh negative. Donated blood that is compatible with your blood type will be selected for the transfusion. You don't need to change your activity levels or diet before a transfusion. If you've had a reaction to prior blood transfusions, be sure to tell your doctor.

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Q: Which test is performed to determine the compatibility of a blood donor and the recipient before a blood transfusion?
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Which test is performed to determine the compatibility of a blood donor and recipient before a blood transfusion?


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Blood transfusion does NOT depend on which religion a person belongs. All that is taken into account is the compatibility of the blood group pf the donor and the recipient.

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The blood given by transfusion must be matched with the recipient's blood type. Incompatible blood types can cause a serious adverse reaction (transfusion reaction). Blood is introduced slowly by gravity flow directly into the veins

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Type AB POSITIVE is the universal red cell transfusion recipient. For plasma tranfusions, group O is the universal recipient.

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Is Blood types checked before a transfusion?

In most cases, blood type of the recipient AND donor are checked. In a case of extreme emergency, the recipient blood type may not be checked and they will receive group O NEG unmatched red cell transfusion.

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Trans means across. So blood transfusion = move blood from source to recipient.

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the antibodies in the serum of the recipient

What is the possible cause of death in a blood transfusion?

These complications may include an acute hemolytic transfusion reaction (AHTR), which is most commonly caused by ABO incompatibility. The patient may complain of pain, difficult breathing, fever and chills, facial flushing, and nausea.