

What the causes of heart attack?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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the stop of blood flow to the heart

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Q: What the causes of heart attack?
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A blocked (occluded) coronary artery is what causes a heart attack.

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What in your heart makes you have a heart attack?

Heart attacks are causes by having blockages in the arteries that surround the heart. This causes a lack of blood flow which in turn damages muscle. And is true so.......

What are the causes and effect of heart attack?

Obstuction of blood flow to the heart resulting in damage/death of heart muscle tissue.

What causes the pain in a heart attack?

When you have a heart attack, it is painful because of a buildup of lactic acid. It builds up in your muscles and can be felt in your neck, arms, or back.

How does the progression of atherosclerosis leads to heart attack-?

The progression of atherosclerosis leads to heart attack when the artery wall thickens as a result of the accumulation of white blood cells.

You just want to no what causes chest pain after a heart attack?

Chest pain after a heart attack or during a heart attck is caused by constriction of the blood vessels. Your heart needs blood to survive and when the vessels constrict, it limits bloodflow to your heart. This causes intense pain--that is why you are given nitroglycerin tablets. Nitro opens the vessels.

What is a heart attack in short form?

The medical term for heart attack is myocardial infarction. This is when for one reason or another the heart fails to pump normal and eventually stops. A heart attack usually occurs when someone has heart disease, has a heart block or some other contributing factors such as high cholesterol, poor diet, or smoking. These all contribute to causing heart blockages which are the most common causes of a heart attack.